Saint Leonard's Church, Zoutleeuw (Belgium)

The Church of Saint Leonard in Zoutleeuw, Belgium, is a remarkable example of Brabantine Gothic architecture and holds significant historical and cultural importance. Constructed between the 13th and 16th centuries, the church stands as a testament to the wealth and power of Zoutleeuw during the Middle Ages.

The church's exterior is characterized by its imposing tower, rising over 50 meters tall, adorned with intricately carved sculptures and decorative elements. The tower serves as a prominent landmark in the town and can be seen from miles around.

Inside, the Church of Saint Leonard boasts a stunning array of medieval art and architecture. Visitors are greeted by a spacious nave supported by sturdy columns, with soaring vaulted ceilings overhead. The church is adorned with magnificent stained glass windows, depicting biblical scenes and saints, and intricate stone carvings adorn the walls and pillars.

One of the most notable features of the church is its rich collection of religious artwork, including altarpieces, sculptures, and paintings. The highlight is undoubtedly the masterpiece altarpiece by Flemish artist Jan van Dornicke, depicting the life of Saint Leonard.